Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Hello :-)


where to start?
As the title suggests I like miniatures in 1/6 scale. You can get an awful lot of stuff in 1/6 but it is less easy with what I am looking for. There is so much pink Barbie-stuff. No, not for me. Well, some for customising. And there are all these war/combat/military figures and fitting equipment. No, also not for me. But again, some stuff for customising.
I mainly try to develop a little world set in civil life somewhere around the late 60s and 70s. Why? Well, it is inspired by a TV-show produced at that time, that I am very fond of.

Cheers, Birko :-)


  1. Ich wünsche dir hier in Blogland viel Spaß. Es macht wirklich Freu -n - de. Vielleicht kannst du noch das Leser-Gadget einfügen, dann könnte man dir - ohne suchen - problemlos folgen.
    Die Größe 1:6 ist interessant, beansprucht aber bestimmt viel Platz. Bin gespannt, was du alles zusammenträgst.
    Viele Grüße Craftland

  2. Hawaii Five O? The figures are very good likenesses. Very cool!


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